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Getting signature seedValue


Former Community Member
I have a problem getting seedValue from a signature field using method signatureGetSeedValue() - it allways returns null value.

Here is the code from Adobe designer form:

var f = event.target.getField("form1[0].subform1[0].SignatureField[0]"); // get signature field

var status = f.signatureValidate();

var sigInfo = f.signatureInfo();

if ( status < 3 ){

var msg = "Signature not valid! " + sigInfo.statusText;

}else {

var msg = "Signature valid! " + sigInfo.statusText;


var dateTr = sigInfo.dateTrusted;

var seedValue = f.signatureGetSeedValue();

After running this code singnatureInfo and status are displayed, but signatureGetSeedValue is null.

Our goal is to get timestamp information from signature (but first step is to fetch signatureGetSeedValue).

Thanks, Martina
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