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getting pdf attachment from email into map variables


Former Community Member
I'm developing a livecycle process in wich I Use the Receive Service to getting an e-mail filtered by subject and by From value.

The e-mail contains a PDF attachment wich I assign in the service to a map variable.

The attachment is a PDF Form with signatures and is submitted by email with a submit button (inside submit panel of the object palette for the button I set PDF in the field "submit as" ).

The e-mail was retrieved but the LC process doesn't continue because of some error that I found in the log.

This is the first error I found:

UserServiceImpl:createTaskFromDialogProperties() An exception occured trying to create a task, and the exception is unrelated to assigning to an invalid user. Exception message is: Cannot coerce object: <document state="active" senderVersion="3" persistent="false" senderPersistent="true" passivated="false" senderPassivated="true" deserialized="true" senderHostId="" callbackId="0" senderCallbackId="0" callbackRef="null" isLocalizable="true" isTransactionBound="false" defaultDisposalTimeout="600" disposalTimeout="600" maxInlineSize="65536" defaultMaxInlineSize="65536" inlineSize="0" contentType="application/octet-stream; name="~4988639.pdf"" length="567607"><cacheId/><localBackendId/><globalBackendId/><senderLocalBackendId/><senderGlobalBackendId><DocumentFileID fileName="C:\globaldocumentroot\docm1204794582734\97f718fece0fddaf993627b603eb0501"/><senderGlobalBackendId/><inline/><senderPullServantJndiName>adobe/idp/DocumentPullServant/adobejb_server1</senderPullServantJndiName><attributes/></document> of type: com.adobe.idp.Document to type: class com.adobe.livecycle.formsservice.client.AcrobatVersion

Can someone help me to understand what's happening and how to resolve, please ?

Thanks in advance!
2 Replies


Former Community Member
This may be a silly question but you are defining a sub type of document for your map ....right?


Former Community Member
You are right, I found the error. It war just what you are thinking, I didn't fill the subtype field with document subtype, so there was AcrobatVersion (the first available in the list).

Thank you very much Paul

best regards
