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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

gateways questions


Former Community Member

I have a gateway with 3 branches.

Each branch has a different form that needs to be updated, however all are using the same schema. What would be nice if I could have a common variable that would be updated if any one of the branches assign user tasks updates and completes a form. So if a user in another branch opens a form he/she would also see this updated info.

Is data global? As it doesn't seem to be.

I have tried a few things like having the form output data as the same varibale for all assign user tasks in each branch. Which I thought would work but it doesn't seem to.



3 Replies


Level 10
The form variables are global to the process.

The problem is if you use a xfaForm variable, you have to point to the xdp the variable is going to use. If you use three different forms, you'll need three different xfaForm variables that points to the three xdp.

Now, when you configure the xfaForm variable, you have to configure a render service that takes care of rendering the xdp into a pdf. That render service has a data parameter that contains the data you want to merge.

What you can do is have an xml variable that will contain the latest data and use that for the data parameter of the render service. When a user submits the form, you can use a SetValue that takes the data from the xfaForm into that xml variable. You would need that SetValue after each user step in each branch.

Does that make sense.



Level 9
Hi Jasmin/Carmen

I haven't tried this lately, but I believe that a copy of the form data is made at the time that the form is assigned in the User>AssignTask step. This means that even though the form data is shared within the process, each of the users in the gateway will see their own "version" of the data.

I don't believe that there is any way of having one user's "completion" automatically update another user's version of the data.

You can imagine how confusing this could be, particularly if the second user was currently working on the form, or had saved a draft copy of the form.

I'd recommend having each user complete teh form serially.




Former Community Member

This is what I am experiencing also.

