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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

For designers with experience please.


Former Community Member
Hello. Can anybody help me with this?

First of all, I do not intend for somebody to run and come out with a code for free and post it here. But I need to know if somebody can do it and how to get in contact with that person.

I need to develop some sort of reusable line by line audit trail for my documents. This audit needs to keep track of any changes made to the fields in the document after the document has been saved or digitally signed. The document has text fields, check mark, radio button, drop-down, etc. For example, if I have a field called name where I typed John Doe and after I have saved it or digitally signed it I find out that its Jane Doe and I change it, the audit trail needs to provide information on what field was changed, what was the original value (John) what is the new value (Jane) who made the change, when was it done and why (basic option list for the user to select. For example: Data entry error, New information available, etc). This audit trail need to stay with the document (not stored in a database).

The way I think this can be done is by creating at the end of the document a repeating table with static fields containing the information I described above that would be populated as changeas are made.

Note all my docs are created using LiveCycle Designer 8.0.

Best regards

Gustavo Canelon

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