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FDS relationship question


Level 1

This is a big time FDS newbie question.

I have developed my first Flex2 app using RemoteObjects to
ColdFusion. I'm satisfied but I now understand how FDS could help
me better (mainly in the sync/conflict area).

But there is something, I'm sure quite easy, that stumps me
when I study FDS. How to use data relationships. Let me give you
and example:

A datagrid contains

Order_No Customer_Name Warehouse_Name Date Total

------------- -----------------------
-------------------------- -------- --------

The customer_name comes from the Customer table where
Order.No_Customer = Customer.No_Customer. Same concept for
Warehouse name.

I understand that I can use LabelFunction to get the name but
I am not convinced that returning to the database a hundred times
to get each customer and warehouse name is wise. (I may be wrong).

In my RemoteObjet application I prepared a SQL query in a CFC
to pre-prepare the data to fill the grid and load the order as per
the order_no column.

If I run such a query in FDS (if possible) I will loose the
fiil/sync capabilities I want to use, at least I think.

But how can I accomplish that in FDS ?? In other
language/technologies (read WebObjects) I could use "Pathing" like
order.toClient().name. Is there something like that in Flex/FDS ?

Our database is pretty well layed out from a relational
standpoint. So solving this issue will help me a lot.



3 Replies


Level 2
Hi Steve,

I'm not entirely sure that I understand where your questions
lie. But here's some info.

For FDS using the Java Adapter alone you would write a Java
assembler class whose purpose is to respond to messages that
request fills (for which you could have many different options),
get single items by identity and data updates.

Your fill methods can load up data lists in any manner which
you see fit and with any params that you need. There are two ways
to accomplish this:

- extend the AbstractAssembler class and just check the arg
list that gets passed into your fill method via reflection to
determine how the fill should be serviced

- do not extend AbstractAssembler but instead specify all of
your fill method variations in your destination definiition.

As for the schema - you probably want to take advantage of
nested collections / relationships and lazy loading. I picture the
Java version of your objects looking something like this:




















Your destinations might look like this (not using

<destination adapter="java-adapter" id="Orders">






<identity property="order_no"/>

<many-to-one destination="Customers" property="customer"
lazy="true" />

<many-to-one destination="Warehouses"
property="warehouse" lazy="true" />

















<!-- Count all -->




<!-- Count by customer number -->







<destination adapter="java-adapter" id="Customers">






<identity property="customer_no"/>





<destination adapter="java-adapter" id="Warehouses">






<identity property="warehouse_no"/>





Now the fill method(s) of the OrderAssembler would be
responsible for building the list of orders with the required
warehouse and customer info but then any updates would be routed to
their respective destination and pushed to anybody with fills that
include them either directly from their destinations or via the

Does any of this help?


Level 1
Thanks Tom,

While it was not exactly what I was looking your explanation
got me onto something and I found what I needed (Managed
Associations !!!). I now have a working example here !!

I'm down to one little thing !!

How can I use Managed Associations in a DataGrid ?.

I want to show the Customer Name in the grid, not the
customer number !!

I tried to use the label function with no luck

the DataField with {order.Customer.Name} without success.

Suggestions are welcome !!

Thanks !!



Level 2
DataField won't work but labelFunction is exactly what you
need. You might try using mx.utils.ObjectUtil.toString(item) in
your label function to see exactly what the object looks like. This
should help.