yes, this is a newbie question...sorry if the answer is obvious.
I am trying to design a form solution for my employer, and through some investigation have been given access to, and downloaded the FDF toolkit for Java from Adobe.
The good news is the samples in the toolkit all work!
The bad news is that I can't seem to create any new forms and get them to work. I also can't open, or import the sample form pdfs from the toolkit into Designer 7, save them, and have them work.
I didn't want to disturb the Java-side components as they are functional. So, using a pdf from the toolkit I created my own form pdf with all the same fields, and the same Names in the Binding sections using Designer 7. I put that form on the server in place of the toolkit version, and tried the demo. My form pdf arrived, but the fields are not filled in. I've traced the network between my client and the server, and the server is giving me the same fdf data.
1. Is there something I need to do to make the fdf deliverd by the java servlet compatible with the desinger 7 form?
2. Is there something wrong with my approach?
3. I'm using the Adobe Designer 7 Tryout, which reports "Version 7,0,041126, 0. Should this work?
Any help would be appreciated.