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exportData not working on certified document?


Former Community Member

I did some investigations for a customer, who wants to import and export data without prompting the user for it. I created a simple sample with buttons with the code to import and export data (importData("test.xml"); and exportData("test.xml", false);), some data fields and a signature field on it, saved it as dynamic PDF, opened it in Acrobat Professional, certified the PDF with a self-certificate and saved it as certified document.

Import data worked fine now, however export data was only working when the fields are empty! As soon as I (or the customer) put data in the fields the message "Security measures forbid access to this function" pops up in the console as soon as I hit the 'export' button.

Any idea why the exportData is not working even for a certified document?

Any help is really appreciated!

Kind regards,

4 Replies


Former Community Member
Karin, I would be interested to know what you find. I currently use Adobe Livecycle and reader 8.0 and both importData and exportData work find with data. I don't have a signature field on my form. The only extra thing I do to my PDF after saving it from Livecycle is to open it in Reader, choose Advanced, Save and certify, and Certify without visible signature, and save the document back over itself. Next time I open it, I can import/export data fine.

But the problem I'm having is how do I specify a folder location for the importData command. Have you done this before?


Former Community Member
Hello Scott,

yes, I know that Version 8 might work differently. Adobe did some changes to the handling that was previously done with Reader Extensions 7. But I still think you mean Acrobat, not Reader when you certify it, correct?

However, my customer will be using Reader 7.0.9 and Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.1, so I have to work with these. And for importData it works fine, I'm only puzzled that it won't be working with exportData and data filled on the fields.

Regarding the folder location: I haven't really tried to use a special folder, that's still on my ToDo list. I thought something like '.\temp\test.xml' or 'c:\temp\test.xml' should work, however I'm not quite sure if you have to escape the backslash ('\\' or '/' instead of '\').

Kind regards,



Former Community Member

You'll probably be glad to hear I did mean Reader. I wouldn't want my customer to have to go out and purchase software just to fill out my form, and Reader 8.0 thankfully does the job.

Unfortunately, I don't have any experience with the earlier versions of either software. That does sound like a strange problem you are having though. Can you possibly use reader 8.0 with your designer 7.1 just to see if it makes a difference with the export command? Lucikly it's free.

As for the folder location, I didn't try the forward slash because I'm pretty sure they use the backslash even in some of Livecycles dialog boxes.


Former Community Member

You were right, I was using Acrobat, not reader. All this time, I assumed I was using Reader, sorry for the confusion. After much investigation, I now know that even though using Adobe Reader version 8, once can still not use ExportData if they do not have the Reader Extension software which you have to purchase. Why adobe makes you buy this expensive additional software to do so only reduces their user base and products usefulness.