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Error on importData("location+filename")


Former Community Member
Dear All

I have not got the error on "xfa.host.importData();" and its working properly. But When I have passed parameters filename It does not load the data of dataset in the control.

Please help me to solve this problem.


Saroj Neupane
4 Replies


Level 7
Are you trying to use this inside an embedded JavaScript? If so,

please read the security notes for this method, which will tell you

why this cannot work.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Thank you very much. After adding the digital signature in the pdf form it works properly. But In each and every time we must click on the validate all objects options.


Former Community Member
Hello ,

I have one problem I don't know whether this is possible or not.

I want to run the LiveCycle form in acrobat reader by sending the command to livecycle server in run time. This process is similar to when we are designing form in the livecycle and when we click on preview tab then it shows the form. I want similar functionality from the web application such as using php.

That means When I click the button in the web then it opens the pdf form which was designed in livecycle mode.

Please suggest me for solving this problem.

Thank You

Saroj Neupane


Former Community Member
On the LiveCycle side you can use FormsService > renderPDFForm to generate a PDF from an XDP template + data. If you create a simple process that does this, you can expose an endpoint and call it from an external app. Can you tell me more about what you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps there are other alternatives.
