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Dynamically updating drop down list


Former Community Member
I have a subform with two dynamic subforms. Multiple instances of first subform can be created and user info can be added. Depending on the number of user added, we have to generate letters for those users. So in the second subform we have a drop down list, that takes just the names of users from subform1 and dynamically updates.

I am able to use addItem and update the dropdown. But my problem is that I need multiple instances of second subform too. I am able to get the drop down updated for fist instance of second subform but not the other instances. Any idea on how to go for this?

Here is an idea of the form:

Subform 1, instance 1:

name: Shweta

Address: USA

Subform 1, instance 2:

name: Munjal

Address: India

Subform 2, instance 1:

Dropdown contains two names: Shweta, Munjal

Subform 2, instance 2:

Dropdown contains no names:

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