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Dropdown list - Adding current dropdown list value into text box


Former Community Member
Hi All;

This is my first post on this forum. First of all thanx to adobe for a wonderful webspace and then to the member who are making it successfull

OK. to start of, its a simple query as suppose to posts i have seen on this forum.

I have a dropdown list in my form which has some exercises name. i need to select a values and click of "ADD BUTTON" it should add current value in the text box. i have five text boxes, therefore it should follow the sequence

Means if first text box is occupied and i click add, current values should be added to second textbox.

Also please if you can mention where should i put the script given by you.

Thanks for all your help


2 Replies


Former Community Member
You can put the script at onClick event of the button.


if(box1.rawValue == "")

box1.rawValue = dropdown.rawValue;

else if(box2.rawValue == "")

box2.rawValue = dropdown.rawValue;

And so on.



Former Community Member
Thanx Diego for your kind response. Just wanted to check is this the complete code with correct code as its giving me errors.

sorry 2 bug u bro
