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Displaying HTTPService returned data in a dataGrid


Level 1
Hello! im new to flex and i have a question that i am hoping
someone can answer. I have a flex app that i am building that needs
to display a list of dynamic images, preferably with icons. I've
built the Title list, but i don't know how to connect the
HTTPService data to the list. the HTTPService is returning XML
data, so it must be easy. but, as i said, Im really new. Please
Help Me!!
5 Replies


Level 1
thanks, but that isn't really what i need. I can do that, but
i need to display images instead of text. Thanks for the help


Level 3
The link I gave you teaches you how to make a remote call you
just need to add an image control to the app and you're done.

How do you know where the images are located?


Level 1
I know by a parameter that the HTTPService sends back to me
that contains the image URL. However, the image URL is not in the
source folder in the app. It is located at a remote location, so
the url takes the form of "
Maybe i am formatting the image wrong, because I am still getting
no result in the data grid. This is what i am getting back from the








and this is my data grid:

<mx:DataGrid x="10" y="10" width="640" height="140"


<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Image" >



<mx:Image source="{image.image_url}"/>




<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Keywords"
dataField="{image.keywords}" visible="false" />



maybe I'm formatting it wrong. I'm not sure. Help Me with
this and my problems will be solved.