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Database connection


Former Community Member

I need to do the following:

One field there will be a drop down menu which for example has some itens like battery charger and memory card.

When anyone selects memory card, other field should display the value, for example 40 dollars.

How to do it???

Thank´s again.
2 Replies


Level 7
A simple look up from a data connection see Stephen Cameron's "Selecting Specific Database Records", http://forms.stefcameron.com/2006/09/29/selecting-specific-database-records/ , for an example. There is also an example in the LiveCycle Designer Center, http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/designing_forms.html , "Providing interactive database lookup from forms" (PDF, 612k)

Learn how to use Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.0 to write data to and retrieve information from databases.


Former Community Member
Hi Geo,

Let´s try to explain again

One field must be a drop down menu and another a text or decimal field (kinds could be changed).

For example: I´ve linked the drop down field with the "service" field in the table ODBC database.

The decimal field is binded with the "price" field in the ODBC database.

So, in the drop down field I have the choices: Colorization / Photograph / so forth.......... in the decimal field I have 110 / 30 and so forth

I´d like to choose colorization in the drop down and the decimal field automaticaly updates. It´s like doing a search on my database and display the price based on the service I select.

How do I program it?? I have no ideia... All of it is new for me..

Could you help me please??