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Database access from flex thro java objects


Level 1
Please tell me how to access the data from the MS SQL server
through a java object and connect it to flex and display the data
in flex.

please provide me the code for this assignment.

Thanks in Advance.

3 Replies


Level 2
You need to write jdbcAssembler for that.

inside jdbcAssembler you will have to write java code for
accessing Database.


Former Community Member
Note that in the latest version of FDS (called LCDS 2.5), you
can use SQLAssembler which lets your flex application talk to a
database with no server side Java code at all.


Former Community Member
What would you consider when choosing between FDS and PHP
(via HTTP) for mySQL communication?

My app doesn't need to be real time but I am concerned about
the load on the webserver running PHP. Is that a typical point of