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Confused on SQL Assembler


Former Community Member
Hi All, I've been reading through the Livecycle Dataservices
developers guide on SQL Assembly and am very confused by the syntax
of the SQL queries. A few questions if you could answer for me.

1) Where would one look for documentation on how to create
the sql queries? The developers guide seems to be lacking this.

2) Is it possible to call a single field in a SELECT
statement? All examples I can find all use a "*" for the field, but
in normal query language you can call a specific field.

3) What do all the "#" mean when wrapped around variables,
I'm assuming they are for searching, but I'm confused on where the
documentation is that explains this and confused on why they are

4) What about table joins? Isn't this possible? Is there any
documentation on this?

I'm sure I'm just missing the correct documentation
somewhere, with good documentation one does not need much help.

Thanks a bunch for any help pointing me in the right

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