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checking for the existance of Dynamic forms


Former Community Member
Scenario:<br />I have a form that uses the instance manager to add and remove instances of subforms. When an instance of a subform is added, some of the fields on the subform are to be mandatory. I have a script that checks these fields and displays a message box to the user if the field is empty.<br /><br />Problem:<br />I need a method to see if the subform exists or not. If the form exists, I check the fields for data, otherwise skip to next subform.<br /><br />More info:<br />-I'm using JavaScript<br /><br />Code:<br />I need something to replace <parent.childsubform exists> below...<br />if(<parent.childsubform exists>){<br /> if(parent.childsubform.textbox.rawvalue == null){<br /> app.alert('Please fill the mandatory text box field');<br /> }<br />}<br /><br />Thanks in advance...
1 Reply


Former Community Member

you could try this:

var bExists = true;

try {

var childSubFormBlk = parent.childSubForm;

} catch(e) {

var bExists = false;


if (bExists) {
