I have a subform on that has 5 product check boxes in it. The user can check 1 or all of them.
I need to do some sort of validation on all of them so that I can alert the user if at least one not checked. At least one of them has to be checked in order to submit this form.\
Here is the code that I am trying to use:
---------Begin Code--------
if (ckbxDrug1.rawValue == 0 && ckbxDrug2.rawValue == 0 && ckbxDrug3.rawValue == 0 && ckbxDrug4.rawValue == 0)
alert("Please choose at least one product!");
---------End Code----------
I've tried putting this in several different events of the subform but it hasn't worked.
I have a demo to do tomorrow and need to get this fixed. This is the last of my errors.