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CFDataServicesAdapter not starting - cfcrm


Level 1
Level 1
i have problems with the cf_crm sample from

my flex server is not starting with the coldfusion-dao

i've made all the changes in the config files, but flex start
without the doa adapter, but there are different error messages:

compiled version:

[MessagingError message='Unknown destination 'cfcompany' for
service with id 'data-service'.']


Error invoking fill.method "fill" for destination cfcompany;
Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

heres the console output:

Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 106363), default server

Flex OEM License for JRun enabled

20/09 17:04:24 warning D:\fds2\jrun4/lib/license.properties
kann nicht ge÷ffnet


20/09 17:04:25 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2907

20/09 17:04:25 info No JDBC data sources have been configured
for this server (s

ee jrun-resources.xml)

20/09 17:04:25 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8700

20/09 17:04:25 info Deploying enterprise application "JRun
4.0 Internal J2EE Com

ponents" from: file:/D:/fds2/jrun4/lib/jrun-comp.ear

20/09 17:04:25 info Deploying EJB "JRunSQLInvoker" from:


Server default ready (startup time: 2 seconds)

20/09 17:04:25 info Deploying web application "Flex Default
Web Application" fro

m: file:/D:/fds2/jrun4/servers/default/default-war/

20/09 17:04:25 user JSPServlet: init

20/09 17:04:26 info Deploying web application "Flex Data
Services" from: file:/D


20/09 17:04:26 user JSPServlet: init

20/09 17:04:26 user FlexMxmlServlet: init

20/09 17:04:26 INFO Loading configuration file


20/09 17:04:26 INFO Loading configuration file


20/09 17:04:27 user FlexMxmlServlet: Starting Adobe Flex Web
Tier Compiler

20/09 17:04:27 user FlexMxmlServlet: Adobe Flex Web Tier
Compiler Build: 143451

20/09 17:04:27 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

20/09 17:04:27 user FlexSwfServlet: init

20/09 17:04:27 user FlexInternalServlet: init

20/09 17:04:27 info Deploying web application "Flex Admin Web
Application" from:


20/09 17:04:27 user JSPServlet: init

20/09 17:04:27 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

20/09 17:04:28 info Deploying web application "Flex Data
Services Samples" from:


20/09 17:04:28 user JSPServlet: init

20/09 17:04:28 user FlexMxmlServlet: init

20/09 17:04:28 INFO Loading configuration file


20/09 17:04:29 INFO Loading configuration file


20/09 17:04:29 user FlexMxmlServlet: Starting Adobe Flex Web
Tier Compiler

20/09 17:04:29 user FlexMxmlServlet: Adobe Flex Web Tier
Compiler Build: 143451

20/09 17:04:29 user MessageBrokerServlet: init

20/09 17:04:30 user FlexSwfServlet: init

20/09 17:04:30 user FlexInternalServlet: init

[Flex] [ERROR] Exception when invoking service: data-service

with message: Flex Message (flex.data.messages.DataMessage)

operation = fill

id = null

clientId = A99D5E51-E3AB-867C-F536-CBCB4A1DE248

correlationId =

destination = cfcompany

messageId = BA4828C1-C12C-71B0-5E46-CBCB4A4C3E50

timestamp = 1158765300567

timeToLive = 0

body =



hdr(DSEndpoint) = cf-dataservice-rtmp

hdr(destClientIds) =

exception: flex.data.adapters.AdapterException: Error
invoking fill-method 'fi

ll' for destination cfcompany: Connection refused to host:; nested

exception is:

java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect

20/09 17:17:42 user FileServlet: init



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