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Can you rotate text?


Former Community Member
Is it possible to rotate text when creating tables? The columns on my table are very narrow, and I would like to rotate the column headers to read vertically. Is this possible?

I tried importing a table from an Excel spreadsheet, but the rotated text formatting for the column headers was not transferred to the Designer table.
8 Replies


Former Community Member
I would like to know as well. I am using Designer 8. I pasted cells from an Excel spreadsheet and I want to roate the text in the top row so it is vertical. The help file says to choose the cell and then click the "Rotate to 90 degrees" button found in the "Layout" tab. I have done that but nothing happens when I click the button. The button looks like it clicks (i.e. it moves) but it's like it ignores the click. What am I doing wrong?



Former Community Member
I created a simple text object and in the Layout tab, clicked on the rotate tools, which look like a page with a red star and green box in the corners.

This is in Designer 8.

ps. make sure it is in the middle of the page as it doesn't like rotating off the page.

Good hunting.



Former Community Member
Thanks Damien - That works fine when I create a separate text object. The real problem is with rotating text within a cell of a table. The work-around I have found is to create a separate text object, rotate and align the text to my liking and then drag it into an empty cell in the table. It's several extra steps but it seems to work.

I'm wondering if what Eric and I really want to do (rotate text within a table cell) simply isn't supported by Designer (I'm using version 8). If it's not, it should be in my opinion.



Former Community Member
Hmmm...not sure why a smiley face appears (at least that is what I am seeing right now) where I type the number "eight". Sorry...please ignore it.



Former Community Member
After fooling around with the table a bit, it is possible to rotate the text. If you go to your table and select a single box, then go into the Layout tab, you'll see that the rotate text options are available. The hang up is that if you select the entire table, the rotate text options are grayed out and the wizard doesn't offer the option of rotated text.




Former Community Member
Hi Dave - yes, the rotate options are available (i.e. not greyed out) if you choose an individual cell in the table but when I click on any of them nothing happens. The button changes state as if it were active but the text does not rotate. But another thing I noticed is that while the rotate buttons are "active" the "Anchor" box is greyed out.

My gut feeling is that this is not supported but I hope I'm wrong.


Former Community Member
It must be a bug in version 8, I'm still on 7.1 and the rotation works properly. It might be worth it to post this in the bugs forum, maybe other people are having the same issue. I found this posting in that forum:



Former Community Member
Good idea...thanks.
