Assume you declare a process variable of type XML. Is it possible using the Set Value service to fill this variable with an XML file that is in the repository?I was thinking something like this might work, but it doesn't seem toLocation Expression/process_data/xml_data /Stuff/data/data.xml
Hello guys!I have just started messing around with Flex, and I thoughtthat a good practice would be trying to connect to one of the webservices that my company offers developing a simple client on Flex.I used Flex Builder and found it really easy: With only a fewlines of code a really nice GUI... im...
I have a fragment consisting of a subform and a text object. The subform has the following Javascript for its initialize event:-----var cars = $;var showMe = false;for (var i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) { if(cars.item(i).color && cars.item(i).color.value == 'RED') { showMe = tr...
We are trying to call a web service and pass as parametersome complex types. When invoking the web service everything workswell on flex side, but on the server side the input parameters weget from flex are not correct - complex type is removed and theelements of the complex type are sent. See the ex...
Hi, there...I really need some help.I've build an intelligent form using Adobe Acrobat Prof. 8, but now I am facing some problems which I can't resolve.I need to know, which lifecycle product i need to buy.REQUIREMENTS>+ Users must be able to save form data in their PC (I solved that with the "Enabl...
Is it possible with LCDS to have the Data Management Servicedetect database changes ? We already have LCDS configured with acustom Java assembler. Any change commited on a client reflects toother clients and in the database too. But we also have somebackend processes changing the database. In that c...
I was trying to get the pdfg ipp printer working. I installed it on a workstation by going to http://serverip:port/pdfg-ipp/install. When installing you can choose three option for security: anonymous, automatic windows passthru, entering user account and password. When I try the anonymous or window...
I have made a custom popup message box but want to fade everything else and make is unclickable untill they close the popup message. I was hoping that I could just place a rectangle over the entire form and make it transparent.Is there an alternative? thanks
I have a class object andApplicationInfo.cfc mapped. I validated that all of the propertiesin my .as class appears in the .cfc component. Within theApplicationInfo class, I have 3-4 array objects that pull alladdresses, comments, job history related to that ApplicationInfoobject, ...
I am trying to create job ticket where every time i write a new ticket i can select from a drop down list the customer and it will fill in that information for that customer. I have an excel xml sheet with aLL of the fields needed, i also have all of the fields placed in live cycle to coordinate wit...