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Barcoded forms decoder and reader 8.x


Level 4

I have again a problem with the use of Barcoded forms.

The problem I have now is that Barcoded forms that are filled with Reader 8.X or Acrobat 8.x are not being decoded by the Barcoded Forms Decoder software, I have the 7.0 version installed.

It is like the Decoder does not recognize that the barcodes are filled, when u drop an empty form in the input-folder the Decoder acts the same, it deletes the form from the input-folder but generates no output.

This only occurs when I try to get the pdf form to be decoded, when I try the TIFF-files from the same form it works fine.

Is there any problem with the compatibility between Decoder 7.0 and Reader 8.x.

Thanks in advance,

3 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Ronny,

Two answer both of your past questions:

In regards to the character encoding, if you are using the Adobe LiveCycle Barcode Forms ST 7.0 Decoder then do not touch the encoding method on your form. Leave everything in the default configuration and it should work out of the box.

In regards to the forms filled out with Reader 8.x, the decoder is not really meant to decode "saved" forms. The PDFs and TIFs that are supposed to be decoded are those of scanned forms that have been printed and then scanned. The workflow really needs to be: download form, fill-in form, print form, return form, scan form, decode scanned image.


Level 4
Hi Lee,

I have the Decoder problem about the special characters solved, I only had to open the files of the scanresult (the txt-files) with Notepad instead of Wordpad.

The Hand-scanner issue is not yet solved, but I have support request with the manufacturar about the correct settings for this scanner.

Thanks a lot for your awnsers.



Level 1

No output from extractToXML or decode method...result folder is empty and no error log in failure folder also...plz suggest soon.
