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Array of typed objects back in flex


Former Community Member
Hey All,

I am using a function like this to return a list of objects

public List<Country> getCountries(String market_code)
throws Exception {




return list;


Using a debugger I can clearly see that list contains a list
of Country.

County is created like this:

package admin;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Country implements Serializable {

public static final long serialVersionUID =

public String country_code="";

public String country_name="";

public Country( ) { }

public Country(String country_code, String country_name) {

this.country_code = country_code;

this.country_name = country_name;



I also have a County.as file that looks like this:

package admin




public class Country


public Country() {}

public country_code:String;

public country_name:String;



No the problem is that each time I get data back from the
java backedn I get a list of Objects, not a list of Country

Did I miss something obvious?

This was done with Blaze-DS but I get the same list using

Is it possible at all to get a list of Country, or do I need
to cast that myself using a for each loop??


1 Reply


Former Community Member

I solved my issue and although I find the solution a bit a
work-around I am not sure if there is a other method.

In my main MXML I simply need to do something liek this

private var t1:Country = new Country();

I will not use t1, but it does tell the compiler that the
Country object exists and thus will be used in my array back.
