Thank you so much for posting this. I modified the code for my purposes. Someone may find this helpful:
//Grab the email from the dropdown or textfield or whatever field
var cToAddr = this.getField("SelectEmailDropDownMenuName").value;
// Second, if needed add the client CC email addresses
var cCCAddr = ";";
// or grab cc dynamically bu uncommenting this line
//var cCCAddr = this.getField("SelectEmailAdressName").value;
// Now get the beneficiary email only if it is filled out
var cBenAddr = this.getField("AnotherEmailField").value;
if(cBenAddr != "")
cCCAddr += ";" + cBenAddr;
// Set the subject and body text for the email message
var cSubLine = "My Subject Line Form"
var cBody = "Thank you for submitting your form.\n" + "Save the filled form attachment for your own records. "
// Send the entire PDF as a file attachment on an email
this.mailDoc({bUI: true, cTo: cToAddr, cCc: cCCAddr, cSubject: cSubLine, cMsg: cBody});