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What are some ways to clean up profiles of unwanted ECIDs


Level 6

Hi there,


We have ECIDs enabled as primary identifier on our site, and another CRM ID as an identifier too. Per this article too, I am running into a similar problem with customers logging into different accounts on the same ECID, and the identities are forever stitched. 


Using myself as an example, 

I have a CRM ID and respective ECIDs, and then one day I mistakenly logged into a test account which is used by many other people in the company and on my own ECID. Now my identity graph exploded and I can forever not be segmented.


So I am just wondering if there are ways to clean this up? I have both the Experience events TTL and pseudonymous profile TTL set up. The "login mistake" happened a few months back and so it's way passed the TTL, even though the TTL cleaned the events but the linked identity remains. 


Thank you

1 Accepted Solution


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2 Replies


Level 3



You can look for a beta feature that deletes the oldest identity in the graph before adding the latest identity :


Another way, not highly recommended, is to use Privacy services to delete the identities from the graph. 



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