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Single Sign On Not Working with Chrome


Level 4

Hi Adobe Community, 


My team is having issues where we have to keep resigning into Experience Platform every morning on Chrome instead of single sign on automatically loading us in. I am wondering if anyone has any workaround suggestions. This is only happening on Chrome so I am assuming it is a Chrome setting.





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4 Replies


Level 4

Have you tried using a different browser? 


This one feels like a support ticket to me


Level 4

Yeah, I mean I just told our users to use a different browser for now but wanted to know if anyone else had experienced a similar issue and had a solution. This seems like a Chrome issue to me.


Level 4

Yeah agreed. Hopefully support can get that one escalated and get a resolution in place sooner than later.

I have had some success with similar issues by cache/cookie dumping to see if I can get anything dumped that was causing the issue.


Level 4

Yeah, we tried clearing cache multiple times and it did not work. Will provide any updates on what Adobe says.


