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Integrate AEM-Adobe launch using internal RSA Key pair


Level 3

Hello all,


Could some one help me with how to integrate AEM with Adobe launch via AEM IMS Configuration using the locally generated key by agency rather than AEM certificate generated using AEM IMS config console.

This is a requirement and adobe also recommends this but there is no option in AEM - IMS console 


1 채택된 해결책 개


정확한 답변 작성자:
Community Advisor

Hi @aem_geek 


So, if i understand you correct, you have created SSL keys using Adobe I/O command line and you want to use them to configure the IMS with your AEM? Please confirm.


Check if this URL works in integration: https://github.com/adobe/aem-enablement/tree/master/AEMAsACloudService/11_CloudManager_AIO


CC: @PratheepArunRaj 



Kiran Vedantam.

원본 게시물의 솔루션 보기

8 답변 개


Level 5

@aem_geek You can change the certificate option when you are configuring the Adobe IMS Technical Account configuration in AEM to upload your own key instead of the auto-generated one. Make sure you need to add the public key in the technical account configuration in console.adobe.io as well. You can refer to this help section for more details - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/integrations/experience-platf...


Level 3

Hi Pradeep,


I have been following that link to do the integration. But I don't see any option to upload generated certificate(using openssl) in AEM - IMS config. Could you please share a screenshot if possible.


Adobe also recommends to follow as in the below link to generate key 



But no luck in achieving the integration using generated certificate




Community Advisor

@Kiran_Vedantam Can you help here buddy?



@PratheepArunRaj @Stewart_Schilling Experts from AEM with AEP could help here!


정확한 답변 작성자:
Community Advisor

Hi @aem_geek 


So, if i understand you correct, you have created SSL keys using Adobe I/O command line and you want to use them to configure the IMS with your AEM? Please confirm.


Check if this URL works in integration: https://github.com/adobe/aem-enablement/tree/master/AEMAsACloudService/11_CloudManager_AIO


CC: @PratheepArunRaj 



Kiran Vedantam.



Thanks @Kiran_Vedantam and @PratheepArunRaj. Much appreciated your solutions!


Level 3

Hi Kiran, 


I was looking for integrating AEM with CJA via Adobe launch using Customer generated RSA certificate instead of the one generated in the tool . To achieve that first step is to have AEM and Adobe launch integration . 


Adobe also suggested the pattern of using agency-generated key and certificates for AEM – Adobe launch integration in AEM – IMS config.

We are following the steps recommended in : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/foundation/authentication/set-up-pu...

Steps are as below:
We are navigating to AEM -> Security -> users- > search for launch-event-service -> create key store -> upload the locally generated keystore.

After this step I presume we should be able to see the newly added certificates in the AEM-IMS config drop down but this isn’t happening .


Level 3

Hi All, 


I was able to resolve this issue.
We need to configure for "Dtm-reactor-imsconfig-service" instead of "launch-event-service" . 
Adobe Experience documents don't have this updated.


Thanks all