I'm working with AEP API, and I neeed to identify what changes were made to a specific customer profile.Specifically, I want to know how to determine trough the API, what data was modified during the last profile update, as indicated by the lastModifiedAt field. Additionally, I would like to understand how to identifiy the batch or data source responsible for the update.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
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From the screenshot you attached I think you looking for the latest datasets/batches contributing to the XDM Individual Profile (record data) attributes based on the 'lastModifiedAt' timestamp.
I recommend focusing on the Real Time Customer Profile Entity API
In the response, the sources array and tags array identify the profile-enabled datasets and batches contributing to the profile attributes. These elements help trace the origin of data updates and determine which datasets are actively modifying the profile.
When performing a profile lookup within AEP > Profiles > Browse > Default Merge Policy, and using the Identity Namespace and Identity Value, the system translates these values into a Profile ID (XID).
The XID represents a profile fragment and a node within the Identity Graph. From your screenshot, it appears that there are multiple identities connected within the graph. You can also use the Identity Graph Viewer to inspect relationships between identities and timestamps of ingested data.
By correlating the ingestion timestamps visible in the Identity Graph Viewer with the lastModifiedAt timestamp, you can narrow your focus to relevant IDs for further investigation. You can then perform targeted profile lookups, either via the UI or through the API, to analyse updates to those specific identities.
Hope this helps
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Hi @Joshua_Eisikovi,
Thank you for your detailed explanation regarding the Real Time Customer Profile Entity API and the Identity Graph Viewer. I appreciate your insights! However, I have a few clarifications I’d like to make to ensure I understand the process completely:
Could you provide an example of how to make a request to the Real Time Customer Profile Entity API to retrieve the sources and tags fields, and how to interpret them?
Regarding the Identity Graph Viewer, could you explain the steps to access and use it to inspect relationships between identities and data ingestion timestamps? Is there a way to filter the results by the lastModifiedAt field?
How does the Default Merge Policy affect the data related to the lastModifiedAt field? Could it potentially alter the information being analyzed?
What’s the recommended approach to correlate ingestion timestamps from the Identity Graph Viewer with the lastModifiedAt field? Are there automated tools or scripts to streamline this process?
Is there a direct method to identify the specific batch or data source responsible for a profile update using the API, or would additional tools and queries be required?
Thanks again for your help! Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
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