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How to choose between Cross Device Identity or Non People Identity?


Level 9

Hi All,


Assuming that we have a web site for telco industry where every subscription has its own account ID. This account ID is obtanied by merging N user account ID. For example user account id1 +user account  id2 = account ID.

Assuming that we want to target with offer at user level (1:1) and on the same time tracking at account ID level 

 Anyone can recommend if account ID  should be Non People Identity or Cross Device Identity and set up as secondary identity with user account ID as primary identity? Or Any other possibe approach?

For your information we have a User Account schema with Primary ID = user account id 









1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

@Luca_Lattarini Non-people IDs are used for storing identifiers that require namespaces but are not connected to a person cluster. For example, a product SKU, data related to products, organizations, or stores.

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6 Replies


Community Advisor


accountId should be cross-device id - do not set that as non-people id.

Use non-people id if you need to use it for lookup table like Product (productId).


As far as I know, non-people id will not be used for stitching.





Correct answer by
Community Advisor

@Luca_Lattarini Non-people IDs are used for storing identifiers that require namespaces but are not connected to a person cluster. For example, a product SKU, data related to products, organizations, or stores.


Level 9

@ChetanyaJain  first of all, thanks for yoru help. To implement my scenario I am thinking to create account id = (user account id1 +user account  id2) as cross device identity as primary identity and user account id as secondary . Or viceversa?



Community Advisor

You can go with that @Luca_Lattarini. Just set them as Identity if you intend to use them to stitch with another dataset.


Level 4


I was going through this post while I was searching for some other information.

Quick question - If the Account ID (which is created by concat of user account id1 +user account  id2 + ...) is set as primary key, it will no more be unique. It will be same for all the User entity instances which belongs to same user Account entity.


My interpretation goes below. Or did I mis-interpreted?


Class User{
String <PK> userID
String <FK> accountID <cross device identity> <secondaryID>

Class Account {
String <PK> accountID <cross device identity>
List listOfUsers{
accountID1 <secondaryID>,
accountID2 <secondaryID>,
accountID3 <secondaryID>
Other variables at Account level


Level 4

@ChetanyaJain - Thoughts please.