I have a source set up to run on-demand in Adobe Experience Platform, and a dataflow run has been scheduled for it. I’d like to know if there’s a way to cancel or delete this scheduled run, either via the API or through the UI.
Any guidance or documentation references would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
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Not the flow, the scheduled run
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@MuriloGu I believe you are referring to the destination flow run and not source. If that is the case, and you scheduled an "on-demand" run, I don't believe that there is anyway to cancel that run. You would only be able to delete that destination flow via the Flow Service API.
Thank you, @DavidRoss91, for the clarification.
Actually, I was referring to the source, as shown in the response screenshot I shared with @RiteshYadav18. However, it seems the same principle applies to destinations.
Just to confirm:
If I have a scheduled "on-demand" flow, there’s no way to cancel or delete that specific run. The only option would be to delete the source or destination entirely and recreate it to avoid executing a scheduled run—am I understanding this correctly?
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