I am trying to use the Privacy API to make requests for access/deletion of user data in Adobe Analytics.
I have a couple clarifications on the regulations available to the API.
First question:
The regulations here list these two, what would be the difference?
Second question:
The List All Jobs endpoint lists these as available regulations:

While the create an access/delete endpoint lists these:

Additionally, when I try making a request with an incorrect regulation (hipaa, instead of hipaa_usa), I receive this error:
"Regulation `hipaa` is not a recognized regulation type Supported values: [nzpa_nzl, vcdpa_usa, gdpr, ccpa, lgpd_bra, cpra_usa, apa_aus, hipaa_usa, pdpa_tha, cpa_usa, ctdpa_usa, ucpa_usa]
I am confused on why the lists are different if they are for the same kinds of privacy jobs. Would like to have confirmation on what all the regulations available are.