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AEP Edge Segment Recency/Frequency option


Level 4

Do we have recency/frequency feature using Edge segment in AEP. currently, we have this feature in AAM and our use case is target the customer those who are eligible for the profile attribute &  viewed the banner(X no.of times) or clicked CTA(sends Analytics data to AAM via SSF) then remove the users from the segment

4 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @MA1985v1 - You can create edge segment based on profile attribute or event data but there are certain restrictions on it. For example time window of 24 hrs. You can find more information over here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/ui/edge-segmentation.html?l...





Level 3

thanks @arpan-garg is there any alternate approach to achieve this use case.



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Level 3

@NimashaJain still looking option to achieve this use case. As per my understanding, right now there is no solution yet from Adobe side.