Hello Team,
We are working on the B2B use cases where we ingest customer and account related information from Amazon S3 bucket once it has undergone a data cleansing process. We are good on B2B scenarios as we have followed the schemas, identity related to b2b model. We are able to see the respective account on each customer on profile tab (Customer Profile) and profile level information on the account profile tab. We could be able to navigate to the account information just by clicking the relevant account link from profile tab. However, we weren’t not able to look the account information using “browse by others”. So, wanted to know where we could get this Source name, Source instance to look using the others option. Please let me know if you have come across using this option to look for account information.
Note: We are using Amazon S3 bucket to ingest both the customer and account entity.
Reference link: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/rtcdp/account/account-profile-ui-guid...
Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.