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IAM Role based connection for Source S3 connection


Level 2


Description - We have IAM Role based connection for S3 target in destination but we do not have the IAM role based connection for Source S3.

Why is this feature important to you - Access key/Secret Key based connection require a password rotation every 90 days to be complaint by Comcast Policy

How would you like the feature to work - We will use for generic regular ingestion from Aws based services

Current Behaviour - Currently we are using access key/secret key based connection where we have to manually update the passwords



Community Advisor


Hi @pushkarcse , 


Many applications historically relied on static credentials (access keys/secret keys) because they offered a straightforward way to authenticate with AWS services. This was particularly true for early integrations that predated the widespread adoption of IAM roles.


Implementing IAM roles involves setting up trust relationships and permission policies, which can be seen as complex compared to the simplicity of access keys, especially for legacy applications.


Adobe can technically implement IAM role-based connections for S3 as a source, leveraging AWS’s APIs and frameworks. However, the priority of this feature will depend on customer demand and security compliance needs.

If this feature is important to you, I recommend reaching out to Adobe Support or the product team to express your needs.




Level 2


Hi @Parvesh_Parmar  ,


Thank you for the quick response. 


Yes thats correct , it is easy to implement access key/secret key connection , but as we move forward we also move towards more security. 


IAM role-based connections for S3 as a source is needed for our team to use in order to meet the security compliance.


I will create a ticket to Adobe support Team and express the needs again. Actually I created the ticket for Adobe Support before reaching out here and they asked me to put the idea here in the community. Could you please let me know what is the best way to discuss on this with Adobe Support Team.


Shall I mention as we have already discussed in community forum in the Adobe Ticket?


Thanks And Regards

Pushkar Kumar