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Alerts for audience size variance - AEP platform


Level 1


Existing OOTB alerts are geared towards technical teams, audience management team does not have any visibility into audience quality.


This feature is important because it provides an ability to the end users (Audience Management team) to proactively monitor the audience size variances before the campaign is impacted



Community Advisor


Hello @SwathiBu ,

It seems that your audience management team currently does not have access to subscribe to alerts.

If your audience team wishes to receive these alerts, an administrator can add them as subscribers. Once added, they will be able to receive the alerts accordingly.

Additionally, please ensure that they enable the alerts under notifications themselves. You can find more information on how to do this at the link below:


For further details on how to subscribe, please refer to this link:


Kind regards,



Level 4


Hi @SwathiBu ,


If you are interested in your audience size variance, I know that you can use the Audience Size trends widget in your audience dashboard to show you the size of your selected audience over a period of time. However, there are not any OOTB alerts available to tell you when an audience size has dropped or gained a lot of profiles. Right now, we monitor our audience sizes manually every day. Hoping this will be a part of a new release eventually.