
Create an audience from a GCP bucket using an ad-hoc schema


Level 1


Description - Due to Adobe's limitations on custom schema creation, we need the ability to generate audiences directly from a GCP bucket, similar to CSV import, as automating the CSV process is not possible.
Why is this feature important to you - This is essential because we cannot automate the CSV process.
How would you like the feature to work - We need the ability to create audiences directly from a GCP bucket, similar to CSV import.
Current Behaviour -



Community Advisor


Hello @Nabres ,


In your case, you can continue ingesting the data from a CSV or GCP bucket into any profile or event datasets via scheduled data flow.

Then, you can automate the creation of an audience based on a specific date via the Audiences API. Via external app.

For example, your dataset might contain fields like CustomerId, Date, SegmentName, etc. You can use the API to automatically build an audience based on the date for each day as required.

Once the data is ingested, a new audience will be created automatically via the API, and you can query the data daily as needed.

Audiences API Endpoint | Adobe Experience Platform

Let me know if you need further clarification.

Best regards,