Hello gang... We've been running with the WebSDK for a bit now and all has seemed just fine. We've been impressed with the performance as well as the relative ease of implementation. Note that we use the NPM module directly, incorporated into our front-end build process.
Throughout testing as well as live data in Analytics nothing has seemed amiss. However in looking at our raw Data Feeds out of Analytics, there are extra "phantom" hits that are being treated as pageviews. There are few if any actual variables set in the Data Feed for those rows, except for some default Adobe ones like page URL, hit time, etc.
And when looking at just raw pageviews in Workspace with no reporting dimensions or segments applied, they can be seen. Our pre-implementation testing and evaluation never included just looking at data this way.
Unfortunately it looks as though these phantom pageviews correlate almost perfectly with the extra calls we make to just retrieve personalizations from Target. It seems that even though I don't set xdm.web.webPageDetails.pageViews.value, the hit is still being treated as such.
Is this in fact the case? And if so, is there some way to stop this from happening. It is absolutely undesirable. A pageview should ONLY be registered in Analytics if it is explicitly stated as such in the XDM.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Here is the recommended short term solution, intended to be used as part of the alloy onBeforeEventSend callback. I've just implemented something based on this and it has alleviated the extra pageviews for now, throwing the "phantom" hits into the Custom Links report
it has been another year. Has this been resolved in the mean time?
Meaning, can we get rid of the patches in our implementation?
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Is this issue resolved from Adobe end? as, right now we have patches to take care of it from our end.
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@FrederikWerner , @Jennifer_Dungan, @yuhuisg by any chance, do you know anything about this issue's status quo?
@jgrubbs there is a new tutorial on how to integrate WebSDK + Target which also mentions A4T, in which the need for a workaround is not (no longer?) stated.
In a best case scenario, the workaround could be removed, but I am really hesitant to do so
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The page view issue is resolved? Can you please let us know what issues are you facing at moment.
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the question is, "is it resolved?".
I don't dare taking away the patches I implemented, risking confused and angry clients to be honest.
So, some kind of official Adobe statement on this topic would be hugely appreciated.
Looking at the Adobe blog here, it is still listed as "Banana Peel #5: 'Send Events' just for Adobe Target".
I wrote in the comments of that blog, asking whether the author can give feedback in this thread.
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Wow, three years after I created this post and this is still an issue? I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but my company moved on from Adobe Analytics. I'm kind of shocked that Adobe customers are still having to wrestle with this.
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Haha yeah we're not sure whether it is still since no one wants to try out removing the bandaids on a productive environment
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Was the source of the additional page calls an additional call used at the top of the page, primarily used by Adobe Target? If so, I think this might be the approach you are looking for, described in these two documents:
This implementation approach allows you to make a "personalization" request at the top of the page (for Target) and an "analytics" request at the bottom of the page (for Analytics, CJA, etc).
The "personalization" call uses an eventType "propositionFetch" which Analytics knows to ignore. The "analytics" call waits for the "personalization" call response so it can include all of the activity details needed for A4T and you won't see the propositionDisplay calls like you would have previously.
Hi @dwright-adobe ,
that's actually exactly what this thread was all about.
Now, years later, this seems finally fixed. Thank you much for sharing this!
Event though the screenshot in the documentation is slightly different from my extension which shows still "Beta", I think this will finally help us solve this issue.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@jgrubbs not sure whether you can still change the right answer, but @dwright-adobe 's is surely the right solution!
We've just implemented the webSDK and are also coming across this issue. However I'm not certain if the extra call we are seeing is the Personalisation request. While it contains Personalisation attributes, it does not have the 'propositionFetch' eventType.
Also, our WebSDK extension (v2.27.0) does not appear to have the 'Request personalisation' option shown in your screenshot.
Any thoughts on how we fix this? (cc. @dwright-adobe)
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If you are making two calls--one at the top of the page load for personalization and one at the bottom of the page load for analytics--then you need to see the propositionFetch eventType in the XDM object of the first call or it will probably increment page views in Analytics.
With v2.27.0 of the Web SDK extension you should see the Request personalization options in the send event action type right at the top:
Hello Darrin,
Would you want to debug this on a quick call? Can help you resolve this quicker. Thanks!
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Thanks for the offer, however I've now got Adobe Support engaged and they have looked into it. I tried applying the guided events approach detailed above but then ended up with three calls instead of one - propositionFetch, Analytics and the problematic blank one still appearing. After a bit of debugging by Support they found that that call had been hard-coded in the platform rather than sent via Launch. So I am now investigating whether that call can be safely removed, or at least modified to include the propositionFetch eventType.
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Hi Darrin,
That is great to hear, Just one thing to note is propositionFetch is for Target purpose related server call to send paramaters, similar the way you had mbox previously to send parameters.
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