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Request for Updated Steps Covering AEM Site Integration for AEP/CJA (Using Tags ACDL & WebSDK Extension) Send Event and Global XDM Data Element!


Level 1

Dear Adobe,


The following Example Steps outlined in your example WKND site AEM Integration Article URL below for Adobe Analytics would be WAY more valuable if you updated it to include the Steps for integration with AEP/CJA. 

AEM Data Layers are not XDM compliant (would be great to add Class Field Groups to support AEM component Data Layers) and taking the following tutorial and repurposing it to provide examples of the WKND site AEM integration for AEP would be incredibly valuable for many users to connect the dots on using the WebSDK Send Event with AEM Component Data Layers aligned with your global XDM Data Element!

This is the current WKND site AEM Integration for Analytics...please create one for connecting to AEP that demonstrates using Launch WebSDK & ACDL extensions in combination with the WebSDK send event using a global XDM Data Element!

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