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Multiple Tags in AEP Debugger


Level 1


I recently started seeing the "redirect" beacon data in the AEP Debugger when data is 0kb in the network tab for that server call. Is there any way to hide this info since it is very confusing as there is no label for redirect and looks like an extra beacon is sent in AEP Debugger when it's not.


We completely rely on AEP Debugger for testing so would really appreciate any feedback.


2 Replies




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Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor and Adobe Champion

Hi @Rohit_Gujar_12,


I am not seeing the redirection hits myself, I am using AA and AppMeasurement.js. Are you testing AA or CJA, and are you using AppMeasurement.js or Alloy.js (WebSDK)?


I agree, when this behaviour shows up, it can be very hard to use the tool for testing.... Sadly, the settings / options available in the tool are limited. I would raise this issue with Client Care, hopefully they can fix the issue... 


In the meantime, have you looked into other tools like Omnibug?