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MobileCore.collectPII doesn't reflect in the ACS dashboard


Level 2

I run into an issue related with collectPII in my app. After initializing MobileCore and other extension, I am sending device id, and some other details with MobileCore.collectPII method.

collectPII(contextData = mapOf(
                    "guid" to "123456",
                    "deviceid" to "Device-ID Test"

fun collectPII(contextData: Map<String?, String?>?) {

I see initialization of the event in my log as;

2021-02-04 13:31:24.565 15626-15802/com.example.debug V/AdobeExperienceSDK: EventBus(EventHub) - Processing event #2: {
        class: Event,
        name: CollectPII,
        eventNumber: 2,
        uniqueIdentifier: b083364f-77b5-43fc-bb1b-3b97e66ad10b,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.requestcontent,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.generic.pii,
        pairId: null,
        responsePairId: 5e499529-d1e3-4d09-bb61-b00d8dcfb346,
        timestamp: 1612474284233,
        data: {
            "contextdata" : {
                "guid" : "123456",
                "deviceid" : "Device-ID Test"

After this, I am seeing bunch of event rules verifications as (51 times actually);

2021-02-04 13:31:26.718 15626-15802/com.example.debug V/AdobeExperienceSDK: Rules Engine - Evaluating rule: {
    	Condition: ((((~type EQUALS com.adobe.eventType.generic.pii) AND (~source EQUALS com.adobe.eventSource.requestContent))))
    	Consequences: [{
        class: Event,
        name: Rules Event,
        eventNumber: 0,
        uniqueIdentifier: e06e0107-0d44-4ee3-99e6-68951c2b7d7a,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.responsecontent,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.rulesengine,
        pairId: null,
        responsePairId: dc4ba391-9900-4797-96c5-11ad831e2b33,
        timestamp: 1612474284928,
        data: {
            "triggeredconsequence" : {
                "id" : "RC80ea08e55bdd4a22953b81a1f167904c",
                "detail" : {
                    "templatebody" : "{
                    "timeout" : 0,
                    "contenttype" : "application/json",
                    "templateurl" : "https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/{%~state.com.adobe.module.configuration/campaign.pkey%}/subscriptions/{%~state.com.adobe.module.identity/mid%}"
                "type" : "pii"
    } for event number: 51

and finally for the final event, I see this log;

2021-02-04 13:31:26.718 15626-15802/com.example.debug V/AdobeExperienceSDK: EventHub(AMSEventHub) - Event (c97c33d0-645a-475d-9b85-026472034a1c) #51 (IDENTITY_RESPONSE_CONTENT_ONE_TIME) resulted in 0 consequence events. Time in rules was 1 milliseconds.
2021-02-04 13:31:26.718 15626-15802/com.example.debug V/AdobeExperienceSDK: EventBus(EventHub) - Processing event #51: {
        class: Event,
        eventNumber: 51,
        uniqueIdentifier: c97c33d0-645a-475d-9b85-026472034a1c,
        source: com.adobe.eventsource.responseidentity,
        type: com.adobe.eventtype.identity,
        pairId: 7767fb9d-49af-41bd-a6ae-ce3488fc81ab,
        responsePairId: db0a4063-803b-4299-9dd4-01a839b0d73b,
        timestamp: 1612474286716,
        data: {
            "lastsync" : 1612474285,
            "blob" : "j8Odv6LonN4r3an7LhD3WZrU1bUpAkFkkiY1ncBR96t2PTI",
            "locationhint" : "9",
            "mid" : "40923269859568035417369007329521706900",
            "pushidentifier" : "fCZhlnJA2Qw:APA91bE2VbJtuHql5kOnsIKdlMVa0RTqtZ7AW_i7ontPpVjWJQUZdUaJPITGcSHlj92V1Q4kNdcB1AmvYuPoPl8P-DTH1Zvmh1r3X17OBAHQLCjvIGppLmZtcHCX3bpSsAvJR6DmnvHa"

However, I still don't see anything in the portal. I have set filter/parameter with the same name of "guid" and "deviceid" in ACS, I am getting registration token and  experience cloud id and target platform etc but not the collect pii details.



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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 2

Hi @mcece01 

Did you see any networking error in the Log cat?

Could you verify in logs that a successful network connection is made with payload containing cusCustomerGuid and cusDeviceId?

View solution in original post

14 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 2

Hi @mcece01 

Did you see any networking error in the Log cat?

Could you verify in logs that a successful network connection is made with payload containing cusCustomerGuid and cusDeviceId?


Level 2
Hi, thanks for answering, and sorry mistakenly accepted this is a solution.


Level 2
Hi, thanks for answering, and sorry mistakenly accepted this is a solution. To answer your question, as you can tell there are lots of logs coming. Can you give me an example of log that shows call is successful or failed? It would be easier for me where to look at.


Level 2
In the logs please search for the network request with URL starts with https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/ and post body with keys { "cusCustomerGuid": "{value}", "cusDeviceId": "{value}" }.


Level 2
I see there are some network issues.


Level 2
Could you share the network error log?


Level 2
Oh That is weird. I am adding logs here but, it gets deleted in comment section. I will try again.


Level 2
Is there any other way to send logs to you? I am keep uploading logs however, for some reason they are getting deleted after few minutes. I dont know what is wrong with this.


Level 2
Just paste the text of error here. That should be fine.


Level 2


Level 2
I am getting API errors. HttpConnectionHandler - Connection failure (Invalid host: https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/@_d7RyIP_uPa8N8_YOGUxFzQy8Qv8CY3OK5Xigb5zKPaTI4XBfi0CMwEPHJCDjMAMXcmAvDXKjydEaAVz-QKGZ4th73ZeThyuLgQASRXNXdC3TDnLiLG1mJzq0EyWDinqUNJeNipKeqf48x15aG7XAaelXWi4Rp4HqLsvdcaje3oIRWSE3Lq1hSgWAXIJnQxHhOY0qw/AndroidHttpConnection - Could not get response code. (java.net.UnknownHostException: Invalid host: https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/@_d7RyIP_uPa8N8_YOGUxFzQy8Qv8CY3OK5Xigb5zKPaTI4XBfi0CMwEPHJCDjMAMXcmAvDXKjydEaAVz-QKGZ4th73ZeThyuLgQASRXNXdC3TDnLiLG1mJzq0EyWDinqUNJeNipKeqf48x15aG7XAaelXWi4Rp4HqLsvdcaje3oIRWSE3Lq1hSgWAXIJnQxHhOY0qw/subscriptions/18222975040160871657304998986610368112)


Level 2
The error is because of invalid host. In the host "https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/", key {%%camp-server%%} is not expanded. Most probably this is because data element "camp-server" is not set up in launch. Please reference https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-standard/using/administrating/configuring-mobile/co... for learning more about setting up "camp-server" data element.


Level 2
Thank you a lot for your help. We fixed that issue.


Level 2

Hi @mcece01 


In the logs that you have shared, the {%%camp-server%%} key is not expanded in templateurl. Please see below.


"templateurl" : "https://{%%camp-server%%}/rest/head/mobileAppV5/{%~state.com.adobe.module.configuration/campaign.pkey%}/subscriptions/{%~state.com.adobe.module.identity/mid%}"

 Could you please verify that you have added camp-server data element in launch.


This article explains how to add camp-server data element.