Description Currently, the search in Launch is barely useful, since it returns a very fluffy set of results, that quite often do not help finding what you are looking for. Quite often, the results just show a "... more" in the results list, but without actually giving you a chance to find what you ...
Description - The auto collection logic for xdm.timestamp field in the AEP SDK is currently dependent on the user’s local system time. This reliance on system time creates inconsistencies in event tracking and reporting (event timestamps show up way in past or future at times which means they are of...
Description Right now, the "Time on Page" event type is firing even if the page is not in focus e.g., when the user clicked a link that opened in a new tab. It would be great if there was an option that allows to pause the timer to only tick when the page is in focus. Why is this feature importan...
Description -We are seeing a crash in the SDK when we are trying to open a web view but the Android System WebView is disabled. If this tool is disabled and Adobe SDK tries to show a screen that contains a WebView it will crash immediately with the message of "Failed to load WebView provider: No Web...
Description -Why is this feature important to you - Many times due to the bug in the code, APP can send erroneous hits to Adobe Analytics resulting in increase in server calls. As far as Native Mobile Apps are concerned, there are so many services they utilize in background and foreground. Some time...
Description - I would be amazing if the revision comparison tool could toogle between "standard" side-by-side visualization (micro-changes, as is) into a more high level rule view.Meaning, the current version comparison tool helps to a certain distinct, but sometimes I would prefer if Tags could vis...
Description - Currently there is no way to specify the order of execution of extensions that are included in launch.js and run at the top of the page.Why is this feature important to you - We use a data monitoring technology that is deployed through Adobe Launch and needs to be the very first extens...
Description - Currently, Adobe can't support sending data to KMS-encrypted buckets. This is actually a requirement from our governance team and we needed to receive an exception just to proceed in the manner we do.Why is this feature important to you - KMS is useful for all S3 buckets, and Adobe's S...
Description - We are trying to move away from the legacy S3 configuration to the newer option, where you can use an IAM role for Adobe to assume when delivering S3 files. This reduces the amount of maintenance from our end in supporting access keys/secret keys. However, it seems like when configurin...
Description - Companies are able to develop and release both private and public Extensions to Adobe Tags to provide new capabilities. However, the process of making an Extension available internally or externally is complicated to a point where companies and individual community members (me include...