Hi everyone!
With my team we have deployed Adobe's SDK in one of our mobile apps, in all of our environments (dev, qa and production), and deployed an initial setting in Adobe as well:
- Configured Analytics' extension.
- Set up report suites for each environment.
When debugging on the app/code, using AEP Assurance, we can see a log of request from the app being sent into Adobe.
Nevertheless, on a Workspace view, and having created a sample and basic dashboard for seeing data, we cannot see anything coming in.
We are focusing right now on just connect both services and seing populated metrics like unique users or occurences for now. Have not yet started with schemas, datasets or datastreams. Is this necessary for the just connecting an app with Analytics on a basic scale?
What have we missed? Any ideas?
Thank you!
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They are 2 ways to implement mobile apps for Adobe Analytics:
Solution 1: point product implementation
In this solution you will need to install the Adobe Analytics extension and use the trackState and trackAction from the MobileCore extension
In this one you do not need AEP extensions, nor schema or datastreams
Solution2: AEP and using datastreams
In this one you will need:
Hope this helps
In Assurance, make sure you're matching for Analytics hits, since those are the actual AA hits. Something like this should work:
const { toolkit } = window.griffon;
const analytic**bleep**Events = toolkit.match(
// analytic**bleep**Events contains all Analytics hits
If you don't get any Analytics hits, then it means your implementation is incomplete. I think the key missing piece is your datastream -- I believe you need to set that up to send data to the Analytics service.
Update: It looks like this forum censors some words. Where it says "analytic**bleep*", replace that with "analytics Hit" as one word without the space. (And now you can see why that got censored!)
They are 2 ways to implement mobile apps for Adobe Analytics:
Solution 1: point product implementation
In this solution you will need to install the Adobe Analytics extension and use the trackState and trackAction from the MobileCore extension
In this one you do not need AEP extensions, nor schema or datastreams
Solution2: AEP and using datastreams
In this one you will need:
Hope this helps
Thanks for your feedback. I have access to Assurance, but I can't manage to make it work.
I have no clue on whwat a Adobe Response event is, and we have verified with the dev team and every component of Adobe seems to be updated. How may we fix this?
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Have you created a corresponding datastream yet? See this tutorial: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/platform-learn/implement-mobile-sdk/initial-configuration/cr...
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When you are debugging in AEP Assurance, are you able to see the green dot on the "Post-processed status" and if your details data of the hit looks all good?
As long as there is the green dot for post-processed, the hit should be safe in Adobe Analytics and you can see the data as expected in the data feed on the right-hand side for each hit.
Additionally, if you need to debug your app in the best way, try to implement the below method and it helps to AA debug
Currently, we facing some issues with Android studio logcat debugging keep disconnecting and reconnecting issues. So, the below configurations help us to debug the iOS and Android in the same place and quickly.
Android Adobe Analytics debugging:
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