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Data Prep - Mapping of ECID to freeform data (data.__adobe.analytics.eVarX)


Level 7

Hi guys,


quick question about data prep mapping in a datastream. Is it actually only possible to map incoming data to the XDM schema, but not to enrich the free-form "data" object with additional information?

Example: I want to set a value to the "data.__adobe.analytics.eVarX" to the ECID?


When I try to map the ECID (screenshot), the autocomplete does not work, and hardcoded also does not work.


So, do you know why none of the contextual free-form data cannot be accessed in the mapping?

Alternatively, I think there is also no direct access to the ECID on AA processing rule side, correct?


Ideally, I would like to avoid using getIdentity for it due to its async nature.





Any suggestions?



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