Workflow steps show completed. But still it is showing as 'Running' in the workflow instances?
Tried adding the step as in this post - , added dam update workflow step as last step, still this is not fixed.
Please find below the code from my workflow
@component(name = "TestMove operation", service = WorkflowProcess.class, property = {
"process.label=Move operation" })
public class MoveOperation extends GenericWorkflowProcess {
private ResourceResolverFactory resourceResolverFactory;
private TestService service;
public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap metaDataMap)
throws WorkflowException {
final WorkflowData workflowData = workItem.getWorkflowData();
final String assetPath = workflowData.getPayload().toString();
try (ResourceResolver resolver = resourceResolverFactory
.getServiceResourceResolver(ServiceUser.SERVICE_USER.getAuthMap())) {
Long serialValue;
Resource resource = resolver.getResource(assetPath);
Resource metadataResource = resource.getChild(Constants.JCR_CONTENT_METADATA_WITHOUT_SLASH);
ValueMap properties = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(metadataResource);
serialValue = properties.get(Constants.ID,Long.class);
if ((Objects.nonNull(serialValue))) {
Resource rootPathResource = resolver.getResource(Constants.ROOT_PATH);
service.moveAsset(resource, serialValue, resolver, rootPathResource, Constants.ROOT_PATH);
this.persistData(workItem, workflowSession, Constants.OPERATION_COMPLETED, true);
} catch (LoginException | PersistenceException e) {
log.error("Unable to login or modify/add property as '{}'", ServiceUser.SERVICE_USER, e);
I checked inside /var path and workflowitem node shows all status as completed. But the main parent node status is showing as RUNNING.
Anyone has faced this issue or have any leads?
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Hello @P_V_Nair
Can you please cross-check, if Handler Advance is configured for the Workflow Step?
Then it will automatically advance to next step.
Please refer to
@aanchal-sikka Yes. Handler advanced is already checked.
Hi @P_V_Nair ,
Did you try to complete workflow in your custom workflow process step.
// querying work items
WorkItem[] workItems = wfSession.getActiveWorkItems();
WorkItem workItem = wfSession.getWorkItem(id);
// getting routes
List<Route> routes = wfSession.getRoutes(workItem);
// completing or advancing to the next step
wfSession.complete(workItem, routes.get(0));
//optionaly terminate the current workflow programmatically
Note: Please ensure that Handler Advance is checked and your workflow model is synced after edit.
@aanchal-sikka @akashdeepAEM @Nikita___Garg I could see that workflows are still in running status and one thing I noticed which is contributing to this is that, after every deployment ,the green check in the workflow is going and it is not synced.
hi @P_V_Nair ,
May I know how many workflows are in running state in the existing instance?
Whether this is happening with this workflow only or others as well?
Nikita Garg