I'm looking at switching to "Experience Manager" but can't find out where my data gets stored, my business is in Australia and am seeking confirmation on where data is stored. For example if I use an Adobe online form to gather personal data in Australia on Australian Citizens can I configure the product to only store the gathered data in Australia, likewise if I gather data from European citizens can I configure the product to use a European based datacentre?
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When working with AEM - you can code your apps to store data to meet your business requirements. An AEM online form can be developed to store data in the AEM JCR on the local server. Likewise, you can develop your solution to store data in a relational database using a form model or a custom service. AEM is very very flexible from a development perspective.
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Hi There,
It all depends on the submit action configured on the form. You can either use OOTB available submit actions or you can have your own custom submit actions to handle the form data.
You can look for the submit actions available in below link:
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Configuring the Submit action
As you might have seen in few submit we store the data in CRX only but we also give an option to submit data to external Databases. Now the use case you have may involve identifying the form location and sending it to the respective database. Something not possible with out of the box submit but you can write your own submit action and try. If you can somehow load 2 different AF having different submit actions based on user location then you can leverage FDM (Form Data Model)[1] also to achieve the use.
[1]Adobe Experience Manager Help | AEM Forms Data Integration
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Adding to what Scott and Mayank already mentioned,
A lot of data may reside in AEM but make sure to check where your AEM server are located when considering this.
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If you're collecting data in forms the default storage of the payload is going to be CRX. However,we generally use databases to store data.
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