I assigned "DAM User" group to user in order to upload files. They can do through Create >> File browsing, but the Drag & Drop files doesn't work anymore. It is working on Stage but not on Production. I compared the permissions between Stage and Production and they are exactly the same, but drag and drop doesn't work on Production. What do I do wrong?
I am using AEM 6.5.13
Thanks for your help.
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This works as expected on the production instance too, I just tried.Can you create a new user and assign Dam user and try again on prod , should work fine.
Thanks for your response. I did that, but still drag and drop does not work. The problem is that in Permission section, it is not clear what each of those permission groups are meant for. I need a cheatsheet from Adobe to indicate which ones is controlling the drag and drop functionality. The paths such as: /apps ; /conf ; /content ; /etc ; /home ; /libs ; /mnt ; /system ; /tmp ; var
I am not sure which one of those controls the drag and drop functionality.
Does anyone knows what each of the Access Control Entries (ACEs) mean and what they are good for?