What is AEP(Adobe Experience Platform)
AEP helps to capture the customer journey. In AEP, data from various sources are stitched together using a schema. Thus an identity graph is built which is unique to a customer. AEP has a data lake where data from various sources are streamlined and fed into. This will be used to create profile data for a customer.
AEP is basically a combination of Real time customer profile + AI & machine Learning + Open Ecosystem
What are all the various data sets defined in AEP?
AEP has various data sets like,
Attributes: Characters like customer name, email, gender etc.
Identities: Unique identity info like ECID(experience cloud id), Email, membership id, phone no etc.
Segments : Categories like online shoppers, gender, Location. [one such use case is, these segments can be exported to utilize in an email campaign]
Behaviors: Like login to the website, installed appication, added an item to cart etc.
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Kautuk Sahni