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Text Pre-Extraction in AEM


Level 8

Text pre-extraction in AEM is very useful and highly recommended for re/indexing Lucene indexes on repositories with large binaries that contain extractable text (eg. PDFs, Word Docs, PPTs, TXT, etc.). Running re-indexing directly on lucene indexes is very expensive and may cause performance issues. After completing this tutorial you will be able to understand:-


  • Text pre-extraction overview.
  • When to use text pre-extraction in AEM.
  • When not to use text pre-extraction in AEM.
  • Prerequisites for using text pre-extraction.
  • Execute text pre-extraction.
  • Validate OAK Index Consistency. 

Interested in learning how to execute Text Pre Extraction and what are the advantages of using it.

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@AnkurAhlawat Thank you for sharing this with AEM Community. Looking forward to more participation from SMEs like you in the community. 

Kautuk Sahni