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What are the different ways to take online back of AEM 6.5 hosted on AWS


Level 2

Hi All,


   we have  AEM 6.5 hosted on AWS EC2 instance (with EBS volume). currently we are using AWS backup service to create backs of the volume.


but these backups are taking 3 to 4 hours to completely restore. ( this involves attaching volume,  doing compaction, and restarting)

Sometimes these backups are corrupted and we are unsuccessful in restoring them.


do we have any recommend process in taking backups of EBS volumes?

any defined steps to run compaction on the volumes before attaching them to the systems?



1 Reply


Employee Advisor

6.5 has online compaction which runs every night and full compaction which runs once a week. Is there any specific reason you are running compaction during backup?