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Warning message when every checkbox is selected


Level 1

I'm new to Designer and have no coding experience so bear with me. 


I'm using Designer 6.5 to create a form that has several check boxes. I need a warning message to appear if a user selects every check box. The message will state: "Please refine your choices". 


How should I go about doing this - with the script editor? If so, how?


Or is there a simpler way?



7 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @DanielaM3 ,

This channel is dedicated to Adobe Experience Manager. Please direct your questions to the appropriate channel. Additionally, I am providing some references for your convenience:

Adobe LiveCycle Designer Scripting Basics: This guide provides an overview of creating calculations and scripts using JavaScript in Designer.

Adobe LiveCycle Designer Scripting Reference: A detailed reference of the models, objects, properties, and methods available for scripting in Designer.

Adobe Help Center: Offers various articles and tutorials on using scripting in LiveCycle Designer.

Script Editor Basics in Adobe LiveCycle You tube blog that might be helpful.


Shiv Prakash


Level 1

Thank you! Unfortunately the links don't open but I think I found the resources you were referring to. 


Since the LiveCycle forum has been archived, what is the appropriate channel for Designer questions?


Community Advisor

@DanielaM3 ,

Please check again the links are opening.


Shiv Prakash


Level 1

Thanks. What's the appropriate channel for Designer quetsions?


Level 7


Level 2

Hello! Is there another forum to post questions in that's appropriate for LiveCycle Designer? That one has been Archived and it doesn't seem like we can post it in anymore?



@Mav_S Adobe Support to LiveCycle is no longer valid and also Community to LiveCycle is read-only. You only have to rely on what is available on organic search regarding LiveCycle. 

Kautuk Sahni