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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

VersionPurge: NullPointerException


Level 3

Dear Experts,

lately I cannot perform Version Purge and repository is growing considerably. I see following messages in error.log:

POST /etc/versioning/purge.html HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.VersionManagerImpl couldn't purge version /jcr:system/jcr:version

Storage/ef/8b/df/ef8bdfaf-7386-47f6-9577-8100c9d63189/1.3 of /content.

POST /etc/versioning/purge.html HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.VersionManagerImpl couldn't purge version /jcr:system/jcr:version

Storage/ef/8b/df/ef8bdfaf-7386-47f6-9577-8100c9d63189/1.4 of /content.

What could be done to make Version Manager continue purging and remove stale references which cause NullPointerException?

Kind regards


1 Reply


Level 1

This is known  OAK issue:

[OAK-5193] Version tree may become inconsistent after removing a version - ASF JIRA

To fix it:

  • Download the latest version of oak-run e.g. 1.4.18
  • Shutdown AEM/ make backup
  • Run the OAK-5193-fix.groovy (that you can find attached to the ticket above) e.g.

        java -jar oak-run-1.4.18.jar console repository/segmentstore ":load OAK-5193-fix.groovy" | tee script.log

  • Upgrade Oak to the latest version to prevent future corruption