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Using Splunk for Log Search & Monitoring on AEM as a Cloud Service | AEM Community Blog Seeding




Using Splunk for Log Search & Monitoring on AEM as a Cloud Service by OpsInventor


Attempting to develop on and run a modern website without a log aggregator and without metrics and graphs is a clinic on infuriation and frustration. When did the such-and-such problem start? Was it before or after the deployment? Has it always been this way? Are all pages slow or just this one page? It’s throwing errors now – was it always throwing errors? Does this error correlate to anything?

These are the classes of questions that you get faced with when you only have access to a downloaded log, but are unable to search on it, graph it, and measure it across time and across multiple servers. When AEM as a Cloud Service first launched, the only mechanism to get at logs was downloading whole logs via Cloud Manager. Adobe later offered the ability to tail the logs of individual pods via a somewhat involved process using Adobe IO. But now, there’s a third and vastly better way to instrument your AEM Cloud Service infrastructure, and that’s with Splunk. And guess what, it can even be done for free, if you’re tight on cash or just trying to demo it out.

What You’ll Need
In order to measure your AEM as a Cloud Service installation with Splunk, you’ll need:

A paid, licensed AEM as a Cloud Service environment: This will work on any Dev, Stage or Prod AEM as a Cloud Service environment, but it will not work on your Adobe Partner Sandbox environment. Because of the way that the AEM Cloud Service sandboxes are set up, they share a lot of different configurations, one of them, being the Splunk configuration. So, this only works with fully-fledged paid AEMaaCS environments.
A Splunk Free, Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud environment that you have Admin access to.
How it Works
The log data from AEM as a Cloud Service is first ingested into an Adobe-owned Splunk instance, which Adobe support has access to in order to monitor and troubleshoot your environments. When properly set up, Adobe then sets up their Splunk instance to forward log information to your Splunk instance using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector or “HEC”.

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Using Splunk for Log Search & Monitoring on AEM as a Cloud Service


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Kautuk Sahni
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Level 7

The link : 
Using Splunk for Log Search & Monitoring on AEM as a Cloud Service

results in This site can’t be reached message.


Please suggest.

